The people of Moabit and their musical and cultural backgrounds, their stories, initiatives, origins and aspirations are at the heart of the Jazzfest Community Lab Moabit project.
Based on the collaboration at the 2023 edition of the festival with 60 children, 30 of whom live in Moabit, this multifaceted participation project allows Jazzfest Berlin to explore the cultural diversity of the neighbouring district with its enormous range of actors. For six months, the Jazzfest team knocked on numerous doors in the neighbouring district of Moabit to extend the invitation to help organise the 60th anniversary of the festival. Around 35 initiatives accepted the offer. With the participating musicians and artists, the Jazzfest team has developed concepts, projects and forms of possible collaboration around the rituals of celebrating anniversaries and making music as well as the themes of time, origin and shaping the future.
In the second week of the autumn holidays in Berlin, from 28 October to 3 November, a programme with numerous meet-ups, workshops, storytelling sessions with communal cooking, artistic interventions, and neighbourhood concerts will be presented for and with over 350 participants of all ages from Moabit. Also involved in the project are 40 musicians from this year’s edition of the festival and 10 interdisciplinary workshop leaders who will work and play concerts with children, adults, senior citizens, amateur musicians and neighbourhood legends at 25 locations throughout Moabit, creating a bridge between the Haus der Berliner Festspiele in Wilmersdorf and the neighbouring district of Moabit.
From the Afrika-Haus Berlin to the Jazz Institut Berlin, the OTTO-Spielplatz, the KULTURFABRIK Moabit, the Mullewapp e.V. & Miriam-Makeba-Grundschule, the Theater X, the Musikschule - Berlin Saz Evi, the KUKUMU Café, the SOS-Kinderdorf Berlin and the Reformationskirche Moabit, numerous initiatives and people in Moabit will join Jazzfest Berlin and its musicians in celebrating togetherness, improvisation and, last but not least, the festival’s birthday. To round off the festival on Sunday, 3 November, audiences are invited to a grand walk through Moabit accompanied by collective music performances and other activities.
Afrika-HausBerlin | ARTENSCHUTZ-THEATERe.V. | B-Laden | BildungsverbundMoabit | Jazzpilot*innender Deutschen Jazzunion | GemeinschaftsunterkunftAlt-Moabit, SIN e.V. | Heilandskirche | Heilige-Geist-GemeindeMoabit | HuttenWerkRaum | JazzInstitut Berlin | Jugendmigrationsdienstim Quartier | Kallasch& | KULTURFABRIKMoabit | KUKUMUCafé e.V. | Kurt-Tucholsky-Grundschule | Mullewappe.V. & Miriam-Makeba-Grundschule | Musikschule– Berlin Saz Evi | MusikschuleBerlin-Mitte ‚Fanny Hensel‘ | OffenesWohnzimmer | OTTO-Spielplatz– Moabiter Ratschlag e.V. | PetersburgArt Space | QuartiersmanagementMoabit Ost | ReformationskircheMoabit | SchulgartenMoabit | SOS-KinderdorfBerlin: Familienzentrum/Mehrgenerationenhaus, Haste Töne! | EllyFamilienzentrum und Hort an der Theodor-Heuss-Gemeinschaftsschule | StadtteilkoordinationMoabit Ost | StadtteilkoordinationMoabit West | StadtschlossMoabit – Moabiter Ratschlag e.V.: Chor für Alle, Haneen-Chor | Vokalheldene.V. | STEPHANS– Der Nachbarschaftsladen | TheaterX | Theodor-Heuss-Gemeinschaftsschule | Zentrumfür Jazz und Improvisierte Musik
Nadin Deventer – Artistic Director Jazzfest Berlin
Jana Klimmek – Production Jazzfest Berlin
Anuschka Beese – Assistant Production Jazzfest Berlin
Jakob Fraisse – Advisor (Cultural and political Education)
The Jazzfest Community Lab Moabit is supported by the