
Interpoiesis 1

Cords winding around each other, the surface of which appears emarginated in relief.

Visual concept & design: Eps51, Berlin

The concert series “Interpoiesis” in silent green’s Kuppelhalle facilitates multi-generational and intersectional musical encounters of artists from diverse backgrounds who have never collaborated with each other before.

Concerts online
Watch this concert as a recording in the BerlinerFestspiele Media Library.

“Interpoiesis” is a concert series that presents new projects arising from multi-generational and intersectional collaborative encounters between artists from diverse backgrounds. “Interpoiesis” denotes an interstice of co-creation, in reference to Donna Haraway’s notion of “sympoiesis” (“making-with”) as the condition of always doing in relation to other(s), the impossibility of creating anything alone.

MaerzMusik invites four constellations of artists to propose a collaborator they have not worked with before, and share their conversations and processes in and through sound and performance. The four concerts display different stages of co-creations, from finalised works to intermediary results of collaborative processes to open experimentations that challenge preconceived roles and relations within the spectrum of artistic and social practices.

Following the idea of interpoesis, the multidisciplinary collective PUNGWE, consisting of Memory Biwa and Robert Machiri, and the composer and sound artists Llorenç Barber enter into a dialogue that experimentally and experientially opens respective spheres of sonic activities and possibilities for this collaborative process. Working with sound archives, bells recordings and other material, this session is a result of a ten days long period of the artists working, exchanging together in Valencia at Llorenç Barbers artist residency space, that hosts many different kinds of bells and bell towers that he has collected and built through the years.

The relational creative processes bring together the focus of PUNGWE research with sonic experimentations into the archives, and postcolonial memories, with Barber’s experimental sound compositions that challenge existing convictions and relations in their unpredictability. How can archives be awakened and assumptions be destabilised using echoing bell sounds?


PUNGWE (Memory Biwa & Robert Machiri)
with Llorenç Barber