Till Briegleb © privat
Till Briegleb, born in Munich in 1962. Studies in Political Science and German Literature in Hamburg. From 1991, cultural journalist for the “taz” in Hamburg; from 1997 to 2002, cultural journalist for the weekly newspaper “Die Woche”, and then from 2006, freelance journalist for various newspapers and magazines. In 2006, chief editor of “art” magazine; since 2007, staff writer for the “Süddeutsche Zeitung” and “art”. Publications on various themes in the fields of architecture, art, cultural history and theatre. Recent publication of his essay “Die diskrete Scham” by Insel-Verlag in the Bibliothek der Lebenskunst. Member of the selection committee for the Berlin Theatertreffen from 2002 – 2005, and for the Mülheim playwrights’ festival, Stücke, from 2006 – 2013. Lives in Hamburg.