Porträt von Ursina Lardi

Ursina Lardi © Birgit Kaulfuss

Ursina Lardi

Ursina Lardi was born in Graubünden, Switzerland. Her studies at the Ernst Busch Academy of Dramatic Arts took her to Berlin. During her first engagement at the Düsseldorfer Schauspielhaus, she played the title role in Oscar Wilde’s “Salome”, directed by Einar Schleef (invited to the 1998 Theatertreffen). Following engagements at several renowned theatres in Germany, Ursina Lardi has been a member of the ensemble at the Schaubühne Berlin since 2012, where she is currently performing in “Everywoman” and “Mitleid. Die Geschichte des Maschinengewehrs” directed by Milo Rau, in “Die Ehe der Maria Braun” directed by Thomas Ostermeier and in “Bad Kingdom” by Falk Richter.

As a guest, Ursina Lardi played and sang Elsa in “Lohengrin” by Salvatore Sciarrino (directed by Ingo Kerkhof, 2014) at the Staatsoper Berlin. Outside of the Schaubühne, she has appeared in Thorsten Lensing’s productions for many years, most recently in “Unendlicher Spaß” by David Foster Wallace (Theatertreffen 2019) and in “Verrückt nach Trost” (Salzburg Festival 2022).

In addition to her theatre work, Ursina Lardi has appeared in numerous television and cinema films, including “Das weiße Band” by Michael Haneke (Palme d’Or in Cannes and Oscar nomination), “Lore” by Cate Shortland (German Film Award 2013), “Sag mir nichts” by Andreas Kleinert and in “Der namenlose Tag” by Volker Schlöndorff. Last year, she premiered in Cannes with “La dérive des continents (au sud)” by Lionel Baier and was seen in Axel Ranisch’s opera film “Orphea in Love” and in Sabine Boss’ comedy “Die Nachbarn von oben”. She is currently nominated for a Swiss Film Award for “Die Nachbarn von oben”.
This year, Daniel Hoesl’s film “Veni Vidi Vici” premiered in the International Competition of the Sundance Film Festival with her in one of the leading roles. In 2014, Ursina Lardi won the Swiss Film Award for Best Actress in Petra Volpe’s film “Traumland”. In 2017, she received the Grand Prix Theatre and the Hans Reinhart Ring, the highest theatre award in Switzerland.

As of: February 2024

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