Theatre | The 10 Selected Productions

The Nibelungs

By Friedrich Hebbel

Münchner Kammerspiele

Premiere 4 December 2004

Die Nibelungen

Die Nibelungen © Andreas Pohlmann

Talk with the audience
Sun 8 May 21:15 in the Sternfoyer

These “Nibelungs” show the elites of a well-known country from the Middle Ages through Stalingrad to the present day. A vicious and varied re-enactment of German family life. This is comedy with depth, where caricature is not only liberating but illuminating too. It is Kriegenburg’s way of wrestling with this text, this subject and this country. A brilliant ensemble turns the catacombs of the court of Burgundy into a portrait of a suffocating society. And at the end everything comes tumbling down: Germany is left dazed in the darkness with Wiebke Puls’ Kremhild as a singular figure of Nemesis. And Kriegenburg has become the battler of Nibelungs, the creator of images, the playmaker.

“Kriegenburg conveys the absurdity of their decline through excessively loud music, wild party scenes and ludicrous parodies but the psychology of the individual characters always remains coherent and this succeeds in giving the repeated pathos of Hebbel’s language a more sympathetic tone.” (dpa)


Directed by / Stage Design – Andreas Kriegenburg
Costume Design – Marion Münch
Dramaturgy – ​​​​​​​Marion Tiedtke
Music – ​​​​​​​Laurent Simonetti
Lighting Design – Jürgen Tulzer

King Gunther – ​​​​​​​Bernd Grawert
Hagen Tronje – ​​​​​​​Hans Kremer
Volker, the minstrel – ​​​​​​​Paul Herwig
Gieselher – ​​​​​​​Christoph Luser
Gerenot – ​​​​​​​René Dumont
Siegfried – ​​​​​​​Oliver Mallison
Ute – ​​​​​​​Hildegard Schmahl
Kriemhild – ​​​​​​​Wiebke Puls
Brunhild – ​​​​​​​Julia Jentsch
Frigga, her nurse – ​​​​​​​Annette Paulmann
Chaplain, King Etzel – ​​​​​​​Stefan Merki
Markgraf Rüdeger – ​​​​​​​Walter Hess
Gudrun – Mila Dargies
Werbel, Etzel’s violinist – ​​​​​​​Sebastian Weber

Salvatore Bruno, Christoph Dobmeier, Markus Eberhard, Lorenz Engel, Christoph Hierdeis, Hans Kitzbichler, Thomas Lackinger, Christian Lehmann, Johannes Läubin, Bernhard Meindl, Sebastian Myrus, Markus Schmädicke, Markus Ulmer, Maximilian von Rossek, Reinhard Wellano