Theatre | The 10 Selected Productions

Disabled Theater

By Jérôme Bel / Theater Hora – Stiftung Züriwerk, Zurich

Theater Hora – Stiftung Züriwerk, Zurich / R. B. Jérôme Bel / Hebbel am Ufer, Berlin / Auawirleben, Bern / Kunstenfestivaldesarts, Brussels / Documenta (13) / Festival d’Avignon / Ruhrtriennale / Festival d’Automne, Paris / Les Spectacles vivants – Centre Pompidou, Paris / La Bâtie – Festival Genève

World premiere Brussels 10 May 2012
German premiere Essen 23 August 2012

Disabled Theater, © Michael Bause

Disabled Theater. Damian Bright © Michael Bause

Public discussion 11 May 2013, following the performance
HAU / Hebbel am Ufer HAU 1
with the ensemble and Daniele Muscionico (jury)
Moderation Barbara Burckhardt

Disabled people on the stage – artists or exhibits?
Symposium on the occasion of “Disabled Theater”
by Jérôme Bel and Theater Hora
13-05-2013, 14:00-18:00
Haus der Berlinr Festspiele, Kassenhalle
Free admission

Who is handicapped here? The actors, because they have Down syndrome and learn more slowly than average? The audience, because they don’t know how to react to handicapped actors in a “normal” way? The critics, because their usual categories, tried and tested on conventional theatre of representation, are not effective here?

French choreographer Jérôme Bel and the Swiss company Theater Hora upset our perception. When the eleven performers introduce themselves on stage, are they being themselves or are they playing themselves? And when we allow ourselves to be transported by the energy and the immediacy of their solo dance numbers, aren’t we just giving in to cliché? And when we don’t want them to expose themselves to us, don’t we really mean that we don’t want to be subjected to them? This theatre is not “disabled”, on the contrary: Seldom has there been a performance more able to make use of the “live-character” of theatre. Nothing is predictable, everything can go wrong. Or can it? /

Concept Jérôme Bel, Theater Hora
Dramaturgy Marcel Bugiel
Production management Ketty Ghnassia

By and with:
Remo Beuggert, Gianni Blumer, Damian Bright, Matthias Brücker, Matthias Grandjean, Julia Häusermann, Sara Hess, Miranda Hossle, Peter Keller, Lorraine Meier, Tiziana Pagliaro