10 remarkable productions

Die Hundekot-Attacke

Eine Vorstellung über Finsternis, Schönheit und Vergebung, basierend auf einer wahren Begebenheit.

Concept: Wunderbaum
Text: Walter Bart, Hannah Baumann, Pina Bergemann, Nikita Buldyrski, Henrike Commichau, Linde Dercon, Leon Pfannenmüller, Anna K. Seidel

Theaterhaus Jena
Co-produktion with Wunderbaum

World premiere: 27 October 2023

Die Hundekot-Attacke © Jakob Roth

Who reports when and how about what? “Die Hundekot-Attacke” accompanies a theatre collective through the ups and downs of a rehearsal process at a Thuringian theatre that tries to make the mechanisms of the media world work efficiently for itself.

Audience Talk
Saturday, 18.5.2024 after the performance
Impulse: Sylvie Kürsten (Culture Journalist)
Jury member: Katrin Ullmann
Moderated by Florian Malzacher

goes to Walter Bart, Hannah Baumann, Pina Bergemann, Nikita Buldyrski, Henrike Commichau, Linde Dercon, Leon Pfannenmüller and Anna K. Seidel
Monday, 20.5. after the performance

A theatre collective is trying to create a show in the Thuringian provinces that will create the greatest possible nation-wide stir. After lengthy discussions, they decide to base their devised play on a true incident: In 2023, a choreographer smeared dog feces on a critic, a scene that was extensively discussed in the media for weeks. But the rehearsals turn out to be a real stress test for everyone involved. “Die Hundekot-Attacke” openly plays with the real and the fictitious. Developed collectively at Theaterhaus Jena, the depicted scenes could well have occurred in some form or other. Narrating in a pseudo-documentary form, the enthusiastic cast gives a highly entertaining, self-ironic and intelligent insight into the structures of the art and theatre scene.

Statement of the Jury

Right at the outset, the production quotes Robert F. Kennedy: “A life without criticism is not worth living”. And yes, this show does address the faeces-attack that occurred at Staatsoper Hannover in February 2023 – and thereby the debate about art criticism. But it is also a show that has avowedly chosen a sensational title to finally entice the nationwide press to travel to the Thuringian provinces – an aim that it has fully accomplished. It is a show about power structures in the theatre and the genius cult, about the “both attractive and disgusting words dog faeces”. And above all, it is a show that challenges these issues and thus the art (and theatre) scene. It plays on clichés, facts and fiction, on the vanity of actors, the sovereignty of critics and the presumably personal. Created with self-irony, intelligence, pseudo-documentation and within the both emotional and democratic roller-coaster processes of a collective. In short: a charming and captivating show, and of course it features a dachshund, a choreographer and a critic.

Tojuror Katrin Ullmann’s video statement in the Berliner Festspiele Media Library (in German)

ProgrammePoster (pdf 0.2 MB)

Artistic Team

Walter Bart (Wunderbaum) – Director
Maarten van Otterdijk – Stage Design
Carolin Pflüger – Costume Design
Hannah Baumann – Dramaturgy
Edoardo Cino – Choreography
Veit Mernitz – Video
Nanine Maria Kok – Assistant Director
Anton Conrad – FSJ Kultur/Dramaturgy


Pina Bergemann, Nikita Buldyrski, Henrike Commichau, Linde Dercon, Leon Pfannenmüller, Anna K. Seidel & a dachshund