
Andrea Geyer: Manifest (Banners / Gropius Bau / Berlin)

Andrea Geyer, Manifest (Banners / Carnegie Museum of Art / Pittsburgh), detail, 2023

Andrea Geyer’s Manifest (Banners / Gropius Bau / Berlin) centres the voices of visitors within a museum context and actively asks what museum and exhibition spaces can offer as civic sites in the current social and political landscape of Berlin. Installed at the entrance and in the atrium of the Gropius Bau, the nine banners with text cast these voices beyond the impermeability of institutions and envision them continuously anew into a shared space.

An awareness team is available during and after the event. You can contact the awareness team if you have experienced discrimination or harassment, need to deal with conflicts or emotions, or need someone to talk to. The team consists of trained anti-discrimination counsellors from Team Gewaltmanagement. You can also reach the awareness team by phone and email in German and English: 0160-98067637.